Seb Waring

Programmer / Developer

About Myself

I graduated Brunel University achieving a First Class Honours in Computer Science BSc (Hons) with Professional Practice. Since leaving in 2019 I wanted to expand my knowledge in other programming languages, my first project was this website which I coded in HTML5 and CSS with a tiny bit of JavaScript which changes the colour scheme on a refresh (press F5)! I developed this website so I can display my previous University projects and all my projects thereafter.

University Projects

View two of my Java projects
Software Development | NOV 2018 - APR 2019

Procedural Maze Generation

My final year project was to create a virtual perfect maze that an AI robot will solve. The video to the right shows the robot solving a 5 by 5 maze. For this module I won the Made in Brunel 2019 Software Architecture Prize and achieving an A+ for the dissertation.

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App Development | DEC 2016 - MAR 2017

Calendar Android App

A 6-month group project to design and develop a data-driven app that is not currently available on the Google Play Store. Being an active member of a multitude of Brunel Sports clubs I found it hard to know what time training was on, this app aimed to fix this issue. The app was coded in Java where I developed the calendar widget for the app.

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Play some of my individual projects
JavaScript Development | JAN 2020

Playable Advert

Developed a playable advert in HTML5 and JavaScript for NeonPlay, based off their hyper casual game Buca. This was my first project using the HTML5 Canvas, employing an object-oriented style of programming allowed me to easily create new levels with little extra code.

Unity Development | JAN 2020

Tile Runner

Having experience writing a dissertation on mazes and their algorithms, this knowledge was put to use by creating a puzzle game in Unity/C# that incorporated aspects from infinite runners and memory games. This project helped me understand the similarities and differences between Java and C# and how quickly it can be learnt.

MonoGame Development | DEC 2018

Space Shoot 'em Up

A Digital Media and Game coursework project, to design a game in the Shoot 'Em Up genre, using MonoGame which is a C# scripting language.

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What I know


3 Years of expereince at Brunel University, developing a maze generator and timetabling app.

C# in Unity

Self-taught C# in Unity by developing the Tile Runner game above.


Basic knowledge of C++, learning it after C# due to it being a high level language.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Created this website as well as two HTML5 canvas mini games in JavaScript.


7 Years experience using Adobe CS5 for recreational use.


5 years self-taught using 3D modeling software.

Unity and Unreal

Used Unity and Unreal Engine when scripting games.


Key modules and placement year
  • Brunel University Level 3

    Key Modules: Artifical Intelligence, Software Engineering, Digital Media and Games, Advanced Topics.

  • WithersWorldWide LLP

    A 1-year placement at Withers LLP supporting and providing technical assitance to the London office and internationally.

  • Brunel University Level 1 & 2

    Key Modules: Algorithms and their Application, Software Development, Usability Engineering.

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